但是,如果国家或地方相关主管部门的指导意见意味着考试无法进行,剑桥国际会将学校转入应急方案,使用学习证据集(Portfolio of Evidence)。
因此,即使学校当前有信心能够顺利举办考试,我们也强烈建议所有剑桥国际学校在考季开始前,为学生们备好一套电子版的学习证据集(Portfolio of Evidence )。
学习证据集(Portfolio of Evidence)不是要取代考试,是在考试因突发情况无法顺利举行时的应急方案。
访问以下链接或点击阅读原文,了解学习证据集(Portfolio of Evidence )的相关信息,包括:学习证据集收集指南、如何提交学习证据集、评分、FAQ等。
https://www.cambridgeinternational.org/covid/portfolio-of-evidence/剑桥学校请与剑桥区域经理保持沟通,及时帮助我们了解当地的疫情等情况。针对学习证据集(Portfolio of Evidence)有任何疑问,可直接联系Customer Service: info@cambridgeinternational.org
For the June 2022 series, Cambridge Assessment International Education plans for exams to go ahead where it is permitted and safe.
However, we are also aware that the Covid-19 pandemic continutes to affect teaching, learning and assessment, and the lives of teachers, students and their families.
We expect exams will go ahead in most cases. However, where directives from national or local authorities mean exams cannot go ahead, we will switch schools to our contingency route using portfolio of evidence. If the country or region is using portfolio of evidence, schools will have already received a direct communication from us. Schools do not make the decision to move to portfolio of evidence themselves.
We recommend that schools have a portfolio in place for their students, in electronic form, by the start of the exam series - even if they feel confident that exams will go ahead.
The Portfolio of Evidence is not replacing exams and will be used only where exams cannot go ahead.
You can visit our webiste for more information, including: Collecting a portfolio of evidence for the June2022 series, Submitting the portfolio, Marking the portfolio, FAQ, etc.
For Cambridge schools, please stay in touch with our area managers and update the Covid-19 situation in your city. If you have any further questions about Portfolio of Evidence, please contact Customer Service directly:
We wish everyone safety and health.
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