What does the legendary "talented show" really look like?
● Is it a piece of classical music from the western or eastern world?
● Is it a brilliant band that makes everyone exciting?
●Is it a fascinating dance performed by a group of confident young girls?
● Or the thunderous applause and waving hands from the audience?
Why not further explore
SGT by yourselves!
●As an inclusive stage, all forms of performance are welcomed and encouraged, including but not limited to singing, dancing, playing musical instruments, comedies, cross talks, etc. In SGT, you can freely show your talents, either through popular or unpopular types of acting!
●The deadline for the application is August 31st 12:00 p.m. Any applications handed in later than the deadline will not be accepted.
●The performance given on stage must be the same as the one given in the audition.
●Please avoid any sensitive topics and offensive languages. After negotiation with the school and clearing all misunderstandings, the stage policy is that all songs performed should be in their original language. It is allowed to deliver non-English performances. The interaction between performers and the audience should be in English.
●Events Divison embrace diversity. We will take careful consideration for every type of performance during the audition.
● Each performance should last no longer than 5 minutes.
●For group performances, all members should participate during the audition.
● Please scan the QR code bellow if you would like to sign up for SGT audition ⬇️
● If the QR code is expired, please scan the QR code below to add Events assistant⬇️
● If you need an accompaniment, please send it to the email:s19097.gong@stu.scie.com.cn Email title and document name should all be 「SGT audition-Group name (if any)-Name of person in charge」
●After each performance, each judger would give a score that would be added up as the final grade. The competitors with the higher score will be eligible for the semifinal.
●The main criteria include the performance's integrity, the adequacy of preparation, as well as the popularity among the audience.
We are expecting to seeing you shine on the stage!
本篇文章来源于微信公众号: SCIE Prefect 2023
本篇文章来源于微信公众号: SCIE Prefect 2023
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