深圳国际交流书院2003年经深圳市教育局批准成立,是英国剑桥考试院(CIE)首家正式授权、爱德思国家学历与学术考试机构(Edexcel)授权的全日制国际高中。同时,深国交还获得美国大学理事会(The College Board)授权开设AP课程,打通英、美、澳、加、新等多条升学通道。深国交建校20年以来,始终坚持“办中国最好的国际高中”这一永恒使命,专注发展IGCSE和A-Level课程体系,已经形成一支高素质的教学、管理和服务队。经过孜孜不倦的努力和探索,积累了丰富的经验,并取得了优异的成果。
Recently, the British Council officially released the 2023-2024 Chinese Mainland IELTS Test-taker Performance Report. According to the report, the top-scoring high schools in 2024 were Shenzhen College of International Education (SCIE) and Harrow Beijing.
As one of the high schools certified with "IELTS Beacon School Five Star Recognition" by the British Council, SCIE's academic IELTS test-takers once again achieved an impressive milestone, with an overall average score in the 7-band range. This marks SCIE’s continued placement in the top tier, following its recognition in the previously published official report.
SCIE is committed to enhancing students’ English proficiency—not only to support their academic studies and university applications but also to prepare them for a future in an increasingly globalized world. At SCIE, teachers leverage the critical period for language learning through rigorous language instruction and an immersive, multicultural education. This approach enables students to quickly grasp the essence of international education and adapt to the nuances of global living.
SCIE’s education ensures that students enter world-class universities with confidence and ease, integrating seamlessly into mainstream cultures and avoiding marginalization due to language barriers or cultural differences. SCIE’s exceptional achievements and educational philosophy lay a solid foundation for our students’ success on the global stage.
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