About us
Welcome! To better support SCIE students both academically and non-academically, we now introduce to you the SCIE Peer Mentoring Program.
The Peer Mentoring Program is constantly looking for volunteers to provide Peer Mentoring Resources. The range of resources we consider as Peer Mentoring Resources is extensive: It can be academic, ranging from an explanation of a Further Math Calculus question to analysis of a novel in English Literature. It can also be non-academic, such as demonstrating sport skills. Any resources can be accepted as long as it meets our criteria, and a certain amount of CS hours will be given to contributors based on the level of their contribution. The guidance of resources submission is listed down below.
The Peer Mentoring Program is also recruiting members that are willing to make SCIE a better place. Currently, we have plenty of spaces for Content Examiner, Online Supporter and Resource Allocator. If you want to help and make a difference, please don’t hesitate to contact us. You are always welcome to join us, and we will assign you a role that best suits you, or maybe even create one for you. Joining us is also considered as one way of making contributions, so therefore CS hours will be rewarded to our members as well. To become one of us, check our guidance down below.
同伴辅导计划也在招募旨在把SCIE变得更好的成员。目前,我们正在招大量的内容审查员、在线支持人员和资源分配人员。如果您希望帮助我们以做出改变,请随时联系我们。欢迎您随时加入我们,我们将为您分配最适合您的角色。加入我们也被视为做出贡献的一种方式,因此惨参与者也同样可以获得一定的CS hours。
The Peer Mentoring Program is also looking forward to corporate with ECAs, especially academic and mental health related ECAs. In this way, we can maximize our scale of service as well as ECAs' influences.
To submit resources
Please submit anything, any resources (e.g. Videos, Articles, Notes….) that you think can be helpful or fun for SCIErs to our person in charge: s20124.long@stu.scie.com.cn using your own SCIE student email.
If the resources are of more than one contributor, submit it using one of the contributors’ student emails and set all other contributors as recipients.
Things you should include in your submission email
1.Student numbers of all contributors.
2.Would you like it to be anonymous if it gets to be released to the public in the future. (You can change your decision after the submission at any time)
--By default, your content will be released using your preferred name in SCIE, which is the English name on your CMS. If you prefer another name, please specify it.
--State “I want my content to be anonymous to the public” if you want your content to be anonymous to the public.
--By public, we mean SCIE. Move on to our criteria below or contact us if you have more privacy concerns.
3. (If your resources are of multiple contributors) How would your team like to share the rewarded CS hours for your content?
--If not specified, we will divide the rewarded CS hours equally among all contributors.
--If specified, please make sure all the contributors have agreed to this, remember they will also receive the submission email as well.
P 1.1 – Permission will not be granted for non-SCIE users to access contents.
P 1.2 – Under no circumstances will permission to be anonymous to our development and EV team be granted to any SCIErs.
English Policy
EP 1.1 - A SCIE student is prohibited from posting any content using Chinese on SCIE Peer Mentoring website unless the content falls within one of the exceptions provided in EPE.
禁止SCIE学生在SCIE Peer Mentoring Program上发布任何使用中文的内容,除非内容属于EPE规定的例外情况之一。
EP 1.2 - The use of Chinese will not be granted for the publication of complete Chinese contents or contents using mainly Chinese. The percentage allowed to be using Chinese per content varies between categories, but shall not exceed 30% on all academic content, and 50% on all non-academic content.
English Policy Exceptions
EPE1.1 - Terminologies explanation.
EPE 1.2 - Categorized as language subjects.
EPE 1.3 - Captions.
EPE 1.4 - Unchangeable static contents.
Academic Video Posting
AVP1.1 - All contents shall be academic related, current syllabuses related and legal.
AV 1.2 - Shall not be Chinese-politics related.
AVP 1.3 - Under no circumstances will permission to show faces be granted.
AVP1.4 - Shall follow our English Policy.
AVP 1.5 - Size of each second in videos shall not exceed 6MB.
Non-academic Video Posting
NAVP1.1 - All contents shall be legal and moral norm satisfying.
NAVP 1.2 - Shall not be Chinese-politics related.
NAVP 1.3 - Shall follow our English Policy.
Academic Article/Note Posting
AA 1.1 - All contents shall be academic related, current syllabuses related and legal.
AAP1.2 - Shall not be Chinese-politics related.
AAP 1.3 - Under no circumstances will permissions to show faces be granted.
AAP1.4 - Shall follow our English Policy.
Non-academic Article Posting
NAP1.1 - All contents shall be legal and moral norm satisfying.
NAAP 1.2 - Shall not be Chinese-politics related.
NAAP 1.3 - Shall follow our English Policy.
Content Posting
CP 1.1 - Submissions of videos and articles will not be approved for any submission using non-SCIE email or platforms other than email.
CP 1.2 - Under no circumstances will contents of videos and articles be publicly released without approvements by SCIE PM Content Examining Team.
在任何情况下,未经SCIE PM内容审查小组批准的内容将不会被公开发布。
CP 1.3 - Permission to post videos and articles/notes anonymously can be granted if the poster/team desires.
CP 1.4 - Approved videos must satisfy all conditions listed in VP.
CP 1.4 - Approved articles/notes must satisfy all conditions listed in AP.
Have additional questions about Peer Mentoring Program at SCIE? Contact:
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