Cross the Shenzhen River to go to top universities in HK!
Top universities in Hong Kong are world-class institutions. The likes of University of Hong Kong the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, are renowned internationally. Former Chancellor of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Charles Kao, the"Father of Fibre Optics", was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2009
In the autumn of 2018, 10 ScIe graduates went to study in the Top universities in HK
香港的大学难进是出了名的。近年来,中国大陆每个高考季,都有各省状元被香港的大学录取或遭拒的报道,而对于深国交的学生来说,只需使用其ALee成绩,便可直接申请,且不妨碍他们同时申请英美、加、澳等地名校。另外,香港的大学每年学费加住宿费要比欧美低上数十万元,何况,在香港读大学,还具有情感及心理优势:踏入香港,学生既可独立地在海外环境中得到锻炼,也方便与家人常聚,遇到困难更容易获得家庭的帮助Everyone knows getting into a good HK university is no easy feat. In recent years, it' s common to see the Provincial Top scorers on Gaokao were admitted or rejected by the Hong Kong University. ScIE students are enabled to apply with universities in HK directly with the A Level results, and at the same time apply with other universities in UK, USA, Canada and Australia. Tuition at Hong Kong universities costs around $100 thousand HKD, much less than most European or American schools. Many students find the short distance from home is Hong Kong s main attraction. Shenzhen and Hong Kong are virtually the ame city in terms of geography and culture. Students who go to Hong Kong enjoys the two sides of benefits-to develop independently in an intemational education environment, and be easy to get reunion with the families
SCIE students often have the difficult but pleasant dilemma of choosing between top schools in Hong Kong as well as those abroad. In 2018, more than 40 SCIE students received offers from the top three universities in Hong Kong. At the end, only 10 decided to attend. One student commented on his choice, saying, I rejected the HK offer even though it was a good school. I just felt it was too close to home. Since I was going to study abroad anyway, I thought I might as well go further away
However, since studying in HK has its irreplaceable advantages and unique merits, it is not surprising that 93 ScIE talents choose to study along the Xiangjiang River while enjoying the splendid sunset by the Victoria Harbor.
怎样成为深国交学生 How to become a SCIE Student -- SCIE19年校刊(完结)
毕业生的讲述 - 大学申请攻略篇 SCIE19年校刊(38)
这些年深国交的同学们 - 世界顶级艺术院校 SCIE19年校刊(35)
这些年深国交的同学们 - 专业去向统计 SCIE19年校刊(34)
这些年深国交的同学们 - 香港篇 SCIE19年校刊(33)
这些年深国交的同学们 - 世界各地篇 SCIE19年校刊(32)
这些年深国交的同学们 - 美国篇 SCIE19年校刊(31)
这些年深国交的同学们 - 英国篇 SCIE19年校刊(30)
这些年深国交的同学们 - 哪两个地方可以找到我? SCIE19年校刊(29)
校园设施及运作模式 - Campus facility and operation SCIE19年校刊(28)
我的孩子在国交06 - 爸妈是“深国交家长” SCIE19年校刊(27)
我的孩子在国交05 - 国交孩子的软实力 SCIE19年校刊(26)
我的孩子在国交04 - 2017届天天妈感言 SCIE19年校刊(25)
我的孩子在国交03 - 2020届思诚妈感言 SCIE19年校刊(24)
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我的孩子在国交01 - 2018届辰馨妈感言 SCIE19年校刊(22)
课外活动与公民教育 - 文体活动 SCIE19年校刊(21)
课外活动与公民教育 - 深国交的传统02 SCIE19年校刊(20)
课外活动与公民教育 - 深国交的传统01 SCIE19年校刊(19)
课外活动与公民教育 - 有关全球公民奖 SCIE19年校刊(18)
课外活动与公民教育 - 深国交社团汇总02 SCIE19年校刊(17)
课外活动与公民教育 - 深国交社团汇总01 SCIE19年校刊(16)
在深国交上学 - 老师们:有思想,有要求 SCIE19年校刊(15)
在深国交上学 - 深国交的生源及新生适应期 SCIE19年校刊(14)
在深国交上学 - 校园友谊与氛围 SCIE19年校刊(13)
在深国交上学 - ”艺术/审美“的教学方式 SCIE19年校刊(12)
在深国交上学 - ”人文/社科“的教学方式 SCIE19年校刊(11)
在深国交上学 - ”物理课程“的教学方式 SCIE19年校刊(10)
在深国交上学 - 你想成为什么样的人?SCIE19年校刊(09)
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免责声明 - 本贴图片及人物头像版权归原作者及原出处所有,本站旨在向全中国全世界华人宣传推广我的母校,认知我的母校,喜欢我的母校,实现母校“办中国最好的国际学校”的宏伟志愿,希望你、我、他、她共同促进母校的成长与发扬光大 。
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