This Thursday afternoon, I wanted to experience some of the online learning that our students are experiencing, so I joined an AS Chemistry class from Mr Manoj, conducted live online from India to his class here in Shenzhen using Zoom video. It has been many years since I studied chemistry and so it was quite difficult to remember some of the concepts.
Mr Manoj began by checking that we were all able to connect, see and hear what was happening. We muted our microphones and had our own video off to help with the internet speed, unmuting when we needed to ask questions. He was using his OneNote class notebook which he had prepared so the class could access it live and would have a copy after the lesson. He then shared his own screen so as he wrote on the screen we could follow as well as hearing him.
We started by looking at Halothane. Mr Manoj’s explanations were quite detailed and he asked questions as we went along to check that we could all understand what was going on. It was also good that he knew about how what we were learning is used in real life relating how properties related to actual uses, such as with the fire extinguisher.
Then we got onto CFCs and a discussion of how there is damage to the atmosphere.
Luckily, he didn’t ask me any questions because, although interesting, it was quite difficult for me and the chemistry was beyond what I could remember.
Thank you Mr Manoj and AS.E Chemistry.
(文/院长Mr Neil Mobsby)
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